A healthy lifestyle in college is not nearly as hard as people make it seem. This post will give you five reasons why there is no better time to start living healthy than in college.
1. Your wallet will thank you. Cutting down on the amount of fast food you eat saves money in the long run. A trip to the grocery store may seem to have high up front costs but if you spend $6 plus dollars a day at the end of the week you've already spent at least $42.
2. Your keyboard will thank you. I know personally I have spent plenty of mornings, a few afternoons, and several evenings in the Student Union with food trying to finish an assignment. My keyboard has seen a spill, some dropped crumbs, and several greasy fingerprints. Since reducing my fast food intake, my computer has not been subjected to such messy environments.
3. Your face will thank you. Ever get those pesky stress pimples? Ever want to blame them on your makeup brushes? STOP. If you eat a lot of greasy food, the toxins have to leave your body somehow. Does your face get blotchy? Try drinking more water, and less coffee. (My rule of thumb is drinking at least double the amount of clear liquids to anything else I drink).
4. Your body will thank you. When you eat healthy, you have more energy, you sleep better, and you are less likely to get sick.
5. Your mind will thank you. Sometimes in college you feel like you never get a break. I have found that when I cook it gives me 45+ minutes of me time. Use that time to watch Netflix, listen to music, or whatever you do to relax.
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